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Tag: body

Lose belly fat sustainably

Pesting belly fat in men is usually the result of various biological and hormonal factors. With an unhealthy lifestyle, they tend to accumulate fat in the upper body region, while women tend to store it in the hips and thighs. As we age, the regulating testosterone levels decrease. Cortisol is another hormone that is linked to fat deposition in the abdominal area, and its release is increased by stress factors.…

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The secrets of a healthy metabolism

The human metabolism consists of a multitude of chemical reactions that take place in our body to generate energy, process nutrients and eliminate waste products. The basal metabolic rate describes the amount of energy that a resting body needs to maintain vital functions such as breathing, circulation and cell repair. Muscles are known to burn more calories than fat tissue, so consumption increases proportionally. Men should ensure that they eat…

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Protein for visible fitness success

Shakes play an important role in muscle growth because – when prepared correctly – they provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. After strength training, there is a certain amount of “breakdown” caused by the intensive exercise. The whey powder you consume is then quickly absorbed and stimulates protein synthesis. This is how muscles are repaired and new muscle tissue is created. Whey contains all nine essential amino acids…

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