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Tag: Training

Lose belly fat sustainably

Pesting belly fat in men is usually the result of various biological and hormonal factors. With an unhealthy lifestyle, they tend to accumulate fat in the upper body region, while women tend to store it in the hips and thighs. As we age, the regulating testosterone levels decrease. Cortisol is another hormone that is linked to fat deposition in the abdominal area, and its release is increased by stress factors.…

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What dogs really need

The discussion about a suitability assessment for dog owners has arisen in recent years for several good reasons. A central aspect is the steadily increasing number of those who do not inform themselves sufficiently about the daily needs of their four-legged friends (even in advance). This trend is leading to growing concern about the species-appropriate keeping and training of dogs. In addition, there are repeated cases of aggressive behavior, which…

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Calisthenics: Integrate it into everyday life as a beginner

Calisthenics is actually great for beginners. You don’t have to be advanced in fitness to start today. The exercises are usually designed so that you can adapt them to your own fitness level or how you are feeling on the day. Since you use your own body weight as resistance, you can control the intensity according to your current level of performance. For example, start with easier versions of the…

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Calisthenics: What characterizes the fitness trend

There is a good reason why calisthenics has become a popular trend sport in recent years. Suitable for almost every fitness level and age, the training methods are primarily easy to access because they do not require special equipment or expensive gym memberships. The exercises are mainly based on your own body weight and you can train practically anywhere. Social media such as Instagram and TikTok have contributed enormously to…

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Protein for visible fitness success

Shakes play an important role in muscle growth because – when prepared correctly – they provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. After strength training, there is a certain amount of “breakdown” caused by the intensive exercise. The whey powder you consume is then quickly absorbed and stimulates protein synthesis. This is how muscles are repaired and new muscle tissue is created. Whey contains all nine essential amino acids…

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Yoga: Is it only suitable for women

Yoga is a versatile and inclusive practice that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It is a combination of postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation practices and ethical living. The trend towards a healthier lifestyle and the search for holistic methods of stress management are increasingly becoming the focus of many people and yoga can help to bring body, mind and soul into harmony. Different styles and schools of…

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